WooCommerce user guide

The M2E Multichannel Connect plugin for WooCommerce allows you to connect your store to Amazon, eBay, Walmart, and TikTok Shop marketplaces. Operate your sales data from all Channels within your WooCommerce admin interface.


  1. Download the plugin’s .zip file from our GitHub repository to your device.
  1. Go to Plugins > Add New on your WordPress site.
  1. Enter M2E Multichannel Connect in the Search Plugins bar.
  1. Click Install Now and Activate.

Setup and Configuration

After activating the plugin, you'll be prompted to grant access to your WooCommerce account. Click the Accept button in the pop-up window to proceed. The M2E Multichannel Connect onboarding will appear, guiding you through the setup process. To complete the onboarding:

  1. Add your Channel accounts (Amazon, eBay, Walmart, or TikTok Shop) by following the provided instructions. Adding accounts doesn’t enable item synchronization. You can get acquainted with the plugin first and turn on the inventory sync manually later.
  1. Set basic configurations, including Data Source and Order settings. Also, set the default policies that the plugin will use to manage and synchronize your WooCommerce product data with Channels.
  1. Enable synchronization for existing Channel items linked with products from your WooCommerce catalog.
  1. Create new listings on eBay and Amazon based on your WooCommerce inventory.

That’s it! Now, you can use the M2E Multichannel Connect plugin to handle and list your WooCommerce inventory, manage and fulfill Channel orders, and more.

Link Channel items

M2E Multichannel Connect matches items from your connected channel and WooCommerce catalog by SKU or Product ID and links them automatically. If no match is found, you can link the items manually. For that, follow the instructions below.

  1. Navigate to the Listings tab and choose your Channel account from the drop-down menu. There, you'll find the list of items imported from the Channel.
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  1. Click on the “Link” button next to the item.
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  1. In the pop-up window, select the appropriate WooCommerce product that matches your Channel item and click Link next to it. Use the Search field and Filters to find the items easily.
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Once your items are linked, it’s time to enable their synchronization to ensure automatic product data updates on Channels.

Enable synchronization for Channel items

To ensure that your inventory remains up-to-date on Channels, you need to enable its synchronization. Item sync provides automatic product data updates on Amazon, eBay, Walmart, and TikTok Shop.

Follow the instructions below to enable inventory sync for your Channel items.

  1. Navigate to the Listings tab and choose your Channel account from the drop-down menu. Ensure that your Channel item is linked to a WooCommerce product before enabling sync.
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  1. You can enable sync for items either individually or in bulk.
  • To enable sync for an individual item, click on the toggle in the “Inventory sync” column next to the item. You’ll see a relevant message if the synchronization is enabled.
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  • To enable sync for items in bulk, select the needed items by ticking the boxes on the left side of the grid. Then, submit the “Enable Sync” action from the top menu. You’ll see a relevant message if the synchronization is enabled.
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With synchronization enabled, M2E Multichannel Connect reflects updates to your products’ titles, prices, quantity, and other details everywhere you sell in real-time.

List WooCommerce products on Channels

Follow the instructions below to create new listings on Channels based on your WooCommerce products.

Step 1. Access eBay items.

Navigate to the Listings tab and choose your Channel account from the drop-down menu. Then click List New Items in the top right corner of the grid.

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Step 2. Select a marketplace and policies.

Choose a marketplace where you want to create a listing. Then, set relevant policies for your items, which are settings necessary for listing and selling items on the Channel. You can choose from existing default policies or create new ones.

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Selling Policy (eBay, Amazon, Walmart):

  • Define your preferred listing type, whether it's an auction or a fixed price.
  • Configure pricing and select the source for quantity information.
  • Select a default quantity for products when the quantity tracker is inactive. This default value will be applied to products listed with unlimited or unspecified quantities on Data Source.

Synchronization Policy (eBay, Amazon):

  • Customize how product data is synchronized between your Channel and your data source to ensure that your listings are always up to date.

Description Policy (eBay):

  • Choose the eBay Condition Type for your products. Mind that eBay Condition Type can only be established during the initial listing creation and cannot be modified once the listing is live.
  • Set the source for product titles and descriptions.
  • Optionally, select custom color themes to enhance the visual appeal of your listings.

Shipping (eBay, Amazon) and Return Policies (eBay):

  • Define settings related to product delivery and customer return processes, which helps simplify the management of these critical aspects and ensure a smooth and reliable shopping experience for your customers.

Once the marketplace and policies are selected, click Next.

Step 3. Choose products to list.

Select items to list on the Channel. Use the Search field and Filters to find items easily. Once all the items are selected, click Next.

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If you are creating new listings on Amazon, click on the List button at this step once all the items are selected. Then, you'll be offered to choose an existing ASIN or list the product under a new one.

If you consider listing items under a new ASIN, you'll get an auto-suggested Product Type. After you set up the required specifics, hit the List button and let M2E Multichannel Connect process the action. Your products will be listed on Amazon shortly.

Step 4. Set the eBay category.

To list items on eBay, you have to set a Primary Catalog Category.

The app automatically suggests a fitting category for your items. Confirm the suggested category by clicking the tick icon next to it. If there are no suggestions or you want to change the category, click on the pencil icon.

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You can set a previously used category or switch to the Browse and Search tabs to find it manually. Once selected, save the changes.

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You can also define the eBay Secondary Catalog Category and eBay Store Category by clicking Add Additional Category. By providing this information, you will gain increased visibility for your listings.

Step 5. Set item specifics.

Click View/Edit Specifics next to the category. Provide required specifics, recommended and custom ones (optional). Then, confirm the changes.

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You can select either a custom value or a WooCommerce attribute for your item specifics. If you’ve selected a WooCommerce attribute, make sure that it contains an appropriate value.

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Once you set specifics for every category, you can make your listings public on the Channel. Click on the "List Now" button at the bottom of the page. Your items will be sent to the Channel and will be available for potential buyers.

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If you prefer not to list items immediately but wish to preserve your settings, click on the "Save as Draft" button. Your items will be stored as drafts in your Listings, and you can publish them with a single click when you're ready.

How-to guides

Configure price settings for Channels

M2E Multichannel Connect allows you to optimize product prices of your Channel items and define other pricing settings in Selling Policy.

You can edit the existing Selling Policy or create a new one under Listings > Open product card > Policies tab.

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To change Selling Policy settings for several items at once, tick the boxes next to the needed items under the Listings tab and apply the Change Policy mass action.

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For eBay, you can also access your Selling Policy settings by clicking on the gear icon in the upper left corner of the eBay Listings page.

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By default, M2E Multichannel Connect uses WooCommerce price information when listing or revising products on the Channel. But you can adjust the prices submitted to the Channel using the following pricing settings in your Selling Policy:

Define your price source

By default, your WooCommerce product price is used as a source for your price values on Channels. Or you can set a WooCommerce attribute as a source for product price on the Channel instead.

For that, set the Source option to Attribute in the Price section and select the relevant WooCommerce attribute from the drop-down menu.

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If you’ve selected a WooCommerce attribute, make sure that it contains an appropriate price value in the numeric format.

Adjust product prices on Channels

Depending on your pricing model, you may need to set a custom price for your products on the Channel, which will differ from the price featured in WooCommerce. To adjust the prices individually for each marketplace, use the Price Modification option.

Click Add Price Modification in the Price section. Choose how you want to modify pricing – whether to increase or decrease the Channel item price compared to the corresponding WooCommerce price/attribute by the specified number of units or percent value. You can add multiple price modifications if necessary.

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Enable Best Offer (for eBay)

You can let your customers make price offers on your eBay listings using the Best Offer option. For that, navigate to the corresponding section in your Selling Policy and click Add Best Offer Modification.

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There, you can set rules to auto-accept or auto-decline buyer’s offers based on your specified criteria:

  • Accept Offers of at Least – the price at which (or greater than) an offer will be automatically accepted. Indicate the % of product price or select a relevant WooCommerce attribute.
  • Decline Offers Less Than – the price at which (or less than) an offer will be automatically declined. Indicate the % of product price or select a relevant WooCommerce attribute.

If you’ve selected a WooCommerce attribute, make sure that it contains an appropriate price value in the numeric format.

Round product prices

Use the Rounding option to round your product prices on Channel to convenient numbers like $9.99 or $10.00. You can select an amount at which you want to round the Price:

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  • Nearest 0.09 – for example, $5.10 rounds down to $5.09; $5.95 rounds up to $5.99.
  • Nearest 0.99 – for example, $5.10 rounds down to $4.99; $5.95 rounds up to $5.99.
  • Nearest 1.00 – for example, $5.10 rounds down to $5.00; 5.95 rounds up to $6.00.
  • Nearest 10.00 – for example, $5.10 rounds up to $10.00; $14.99 rounds down to $10.00.

Once you’re done configuring price settings, save the changes. Keep in mind that the changes will be applied to all Channel items that use this Selling Policy.

Configure quantity settings for Channels

M2E Multichannel Connect allows you to adjust the stock of your Channel items and define other quantity settings in Selling Policy.

You can edit the existing Selling Policy or create a new one under Listings > Open product card > Policies tab.

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To change Selling Policy settings for several items at once, tick the boxes next to the needed items under the Listings tab and apply the Change Policy mass action.

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For eBay, you can also access your Selling Policy settings by clicking on the gear icon in the upper left corner of the eBay Listings page.

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By default, M2E Multichannel Connect uses WooCommerce quantity information when listing or revising products on the Channel. But you can adjust the product stock submitted to the Channel using the following quantity settings in your Selling Policy:

Set quantity for non-tracked products

If your WooCommerce products have untracked or unspecified quantities, you can indicate the quantity value for corresponding Channel products. Find the Use value when quantity track is off option under the Quantity section in your Selling Policy and enter the relevant value in the dedicated field.

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The plugin will submit this quantity value to the Channel when listing or revising your products.

Reserve your product quantity

You have the option to reserve a specific quantity of your product from the total WooCommerce quantity, for example, to prevent oversells or conduct returns.

For that, click Add Quantity Modification in the Quantity section of your Selling Policy. Then, enter the quantity value you want to reserve in the Reserve field.

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Let’s say you want to reserve 3 units. If the product quantity in WooCommerce is 20, the product will be submitted to the Channel with a quantity value of 17.

Adjust product quantities on Channels

In some cases, you may need to set a custom quantity for your product on the Channel, which will differ from the quantity featured in WooCommerce. To adjust the quantity individually for each marketplace, use the Keep on Channel option.

Click Add Quantity Modification in the Quantity section of your Selling Policy. Then, enter the quantity value you want to be displayed on Channels. The actual WooCommerce quantity will be displayed if it drops below the threshold.

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Once you’re done configuring quantity settings, save the changes. Keep in mind that the changes will be applied to all Channel items that use this Selling Policy.

Change settings for Channel items

When setting up your M2E Multichannel Connect account, you’ve defined default Policies, which are settings necessary for listing and selling items on Channels.

At any time, you can edit your Policy settings with several clicks, create new Policies, and assign them to your Channel items.

Edit settings for individual items

To adjust settings for a particular Channel item, navigate to the Listings tab and choose the needed account in the top left corner of the page. Then, open the product card and switch to the Policies tab.

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Click on the Change button and adjust the Policy settings for your item in the pop-up window. Once done, save the changes.

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Edit settings for multiple items

To adjust settings for several Channel items in bulk, navigate to the Listings tab and choose the needed account in the top left corner of the page. Then, tick the boxes next to the needed items and apply the Change Policy mass action.

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Click on the View/Edit button to adjust the Policy settings for your items in the pop-up window. Once done, save the changes.

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For eBay, you can also manage and edit Policy settings by clicking on the gear icon in the upper left corner of the eBay Listings page.

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An eBay Configuration pop-up window will appear where you can manage and edit all your Policies for eBay listings.

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Video Tutorials

Take a moment to watch the following video guides to help you use the M2E Multichannel Connect plugin effectively: